01509 261651


Keep up to date with the latest news & events from Equality Action.

50 years celebrations for Equality Action 1969-2019 - Fete on the Green

50 years celebrations for Equality Action 1969-201...

Join us to celebrate 50 years of Equality Action (1969-2019) by coming along to the "Fete on the Green". A great partnership event jointly organised by Fearon...

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26th Jun 2019

50 years celebrations for Equality Action 1969-2019 - Community Lunch

50 years celebrations for Equality Action 1969-201...

Join us to celebrate 50 years of our work (1969 - 2019). We are hosting a community lunch on Monday 1st July 2019 from 12noon to 2.30pm at Fearon Hall, Rectory...

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10th Jun 2019

50 years celebrations for Equality Action 1969-2019 - Movie night "Lion"

50 years celebrations for Equality Action 1969-201...

Join us to celebrate 50 years of our work (1969 - 2019) - movie night at United Reformed Church, Frederick Street, Loughborough, Leics LE11 3BH on Saturday 29th...

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10th Jun 2019

50 years celebrations for Equality Action 1969-2019 - Annual General Meeting

50 years celebrations for Equality Action 1969-201...

Join us for our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 3rd July 2019 at Salvation Army, Burleigh Road, Loughborough, Leics LE11 3BA from 7pm - 9pm. We will be cel...

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10th Jun 2019

50 years celebrations for Equality Action 1969-2019

50 years celebrations for Equality Action 1969-201...

50 years celebrations - save the date in your diaries. Further information to follow.

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31st May 2019

Time to Talk Day 2019

Time to Talk Day 2019

Mental health problems affect one in four of us, yet people are still afraid to talk about it. Time to Talk Day encourages everyone to talk about mental health....

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11th Feb 2019

Radicalisation Awareness for Parents

Radicalisation Awareness for Parents

Equality Action's "Improving Lives" project funded by the National Lottery Community Fund is hosting a conference in partnership with Charnwood Borough Council,...

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11th Feb 2019

Celebrating 50 years of Equality Action

Celebrating 50 years of Equality Action

We are compiling a history to tell the story of our contribution to the life of the people of Loughborough and Charnwood, through good times and bad. If you ha...

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8th Jan 2019

Gender Equality: 100 Years on from the Representation of the People Act, where are we today?

Gender Equality: 100 Years on from the Representat...

Equality Action's Public Lecture in partnership with the School of Social Sciences, Loughborough University on Thursday 15th November 2018 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm...

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9th Oct 2018

Loughborough Mela 2018

Loughborough Mela 2018

LOUGHBOROUGH MELA RETURNS WITH A JAM-PACKED DAY OF FUN, FOOD, MUSIC AND DANCE Every year many hundreds of people flock to Loughborough Town Centre to experienc...

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10th Aug 2018

Improving Lives 7 A Side Football Tournament

Improving Lives 7 A Side Football Tournament

Join us for our Improving Lives annual football tournament. For booking forms or more details please contact us on 01509 261651 or email mehraj@equalityaction....

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11th Jul 2018

EqualiTeas - celebration of your right to vote

EqualiTeas - celebration of your right to vote

EqualiTeas - share, debate, celebrate. 18th June to 2nd July - EqualiTeas is a celebration of your right to vote. Join friends, family, colleauges and neigh...

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22nd Mar 2018

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